Featured episodes
How The Navy Poisoned Hawaii Families With Jet Fuel
How the Army Got to Bomb Hawaii For $1
The Side Of Pearl Harbor Tourists Don’t See
About the Series
Direct From is an exploration of injustices, turmoil and conflict impacting our world. Correspondent Dena Takruri takes you to battlegrounds across the globe – to explain the context behind issues, direct tough questions to perpetrators and provide a platform for those afflicted.
About Dena
Dena Takruri is a Senior Presenter at AJ+ and one of the channel’s founding members. She’s recognized for her bold and immersive reporting around the world, characterized by speaking truth to power and giving voice to those unheard. The first season of her new travel show “Checked In” explores how travel trends in the age of social media are impacting local communities. She also hosts the award-winning show “Direct From with Dena Takruri.”